Interested in booking a speaking engagement?

OWN it: creating your path to more joy, less stress, & a healthier brain

This talk incorporates insights from psychology and neuroscience to help create opportunities in our busy day for wellbeing habits and new mindsets. 

Topics include taking back ownership of your time, building habits that stick, proven ways to boost happiness and brain health, and strategies to overcome obstacles along the way. 

Click here to read more!


Speaking engagements also available:

> EMPOWERED: a brain healthy lifestyle

> Diagnosis and management of dementia

> Hitting the highlights: what you need to know about concussion care

Interested in another topic related to brain health, psychology, or neuroscience? Let us know!


Email us at [email protected] to inquire regarding virtual or in-person speaking engagements!

Want to learn more about speaking engagements and how to bring

Brain Doc On Demand to your workplace?

Click here to schedule a Q&A call!